About us
Our vision
Do all out of love for God and for His glory.
(Psalm 34:3 & Rev. 4:8-11)
Promote the bonds of love for one another and unity in ministry and service.
(Mat. 9:35-38 & Luke 10:25-37)
Engage believers to tell others about the Good News, with a sense of urgency. (Mat. 28:18-20 & Acts 1:8)
Create a sense of community and identification with Christ and His followers.
(1 John 1:2-3 & Acts 2:41)
Instruct the saints in the Word of God for spiritual growth and maturity.
(Col. 1:28 & Romans 12:1-2)
Who we are
Ossington Pentecostal Church is a group of people representing a wide variety of nationalities and cultures, who share a common passion and purpose. We are passionate about Jesus Christ and purpose to do His will.
OPC is a Bible-centered, Holy Spirit-filled church where the love of God and others is first and foremost. We love Him because He loved us first and we love others because of His love in our hearts.
When you attend one of our services, it is our sincere hope that you will sense the presence of God, a love for Him and a love for one another. It would be our greatest joy to connect with you and we look forward to seeing you soon at OPC.
What to expect
We gather together to celebrate our Lord Jesus Christ and fellowship with one another. We endeavour to offer various programs and ministries that meet your schedule requirements. From worship services to prayer meetings, we have something for everyone.
Check out the details of what we offer by clicking on the link below.